The Miners like eHat!
eHatsystems was invited back to Perth in July to set up a real live demonstration of the eHat system for a major mining Co between their HQ in Perth and their Port facility in Port Hedland. On the 27th July, Jamie Gough and I went to Perth and tested all the network and equipment to run the trial. Next day I flew to Port Hedland with the eHat itself while Jamie stayed in Perth with the Laptop, which was running the “expert” station software. We had an agreed plan of how to test eHat over a range of areas inside the port facility. We were able to send clear live video and audio from a range of areas back to a desk in Perth HQ. Areas included: –
Train Unloading, Stockyard, Rail/Borefields & Shiploader.
eHat acquitted itself very well given the mobile conditions in the area.
This site is a huge infrastructure and the revenue is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour. Therefore, any forced shutdown can cost millions of dollars. Having specialist knowledge when required can save millions of dollars!
Currently we are awaiting the Company’s next move, ie to invest or purchase eHats from us.